

Sustainable Procurement in Cooperation with Suppliers

Sustainable procurement is a process that integrates environmental, social, and ethical factors of corporate responsibility into conventional procurement processes and decision-making such as quality, safety, and a stable supply. The Otsuka group strives to build such a procurement process by working closely with our valued suppliers.

Basic Policy

Guided by its corporate philosophy, the Otsuka group works to solve social issues through its businesses and aims to grow while contributing to the creation of a healthier and more sustainable society.
In our procurement activities, we established “the Otsuka Group Procurement Policy” as our code of conduct and “the Otsuka Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines” that we ask our valued suppliers to follow in September 2020.
In addition to the quality, safety, and a stable supply, we are committed to ethical and sustainable procurement in practice.
In May 2024, we revised our procurement policy and guidelines to enhance our sustainable procurement. The Otsuka group is working together with our suppliers to achieve sustainable society and improve the corporate value.

Otsuka Group Procurement Policy

Download our procurement policy here.

Otsuka Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines

Download our procurement guidelines here.

Promotion System

Otsuka group companies have, as a general rule, long conducted due diligence on new suppliers and risk assessments of key raw materials, clarified possible risks, and implemented measures such as purchasing from multiple suppliers. In 2022, the Otsuka Group launched the Otsuka Group Sustainable Procurement Project*1, headed by the director in charge of sustainability at Otsuka Holdings, and in addition to the four existing UNGC areas, the Group launched a Group-wide effort to ensure stable procurement in response to natural disasters and geopolitical risks.
The project holds quarterly meetings to discuss the progress of initiatives and share issues, and promotes sustainable procurement. In addition, Otsuka Holdings and five Otsuka group companies announced that they submitted a declaration of partnership building*2 to the government to build trust with supplier companies.

  • *1Directors, procurement and IT staff from Otsuka Holdings, Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Taiho Pharmaceutical, Otsuka Chemical, Otsuka Foods, Otsuka Techno, EN Otsuka Pharmaceutical, and Otsuka Packaging participated.
  • *2This is a declaration aimed at building new partnerships by promoting collaboration, coexistence, and co-prosperity with supply chain business partners and value-creating businesses. Otsuka Holdings (November 2022), Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Taiho Pharmaceutical, Otsuka Foods, and Otsuka Chemical (February 2023) have made announcements


Embedding Sustainable Procurement through Training

We conduct training for sustainable procurement for new purchasing staff to make sure that our policy spreads throughout the group. In 2022, including existing staff, we intended to renew the understanding of issues related to human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption based on the Global Compact Network Japan’s (GCNJ) CSR Procurement SAQ (self-assessment questionnaire).

Implementation of Briefings on Sustainable Procurement Practices

For our primary suppliers of direct materials, in 2022 we held on-demand explanatory meetings for all these suppliers, under the Sustainable Procurement Project. At the meetings, we provided training on the Otsuka Group Procurement Policy, Otsuka Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines, and Otsuka Group Environmental Vision 2050, as well as on the Guidelines on Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains that was announced in autumn 2022, etc.

Implementation of Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) on Sustainable Procurement

Suppliers that sign the pledge conduct a self-assessment, which consists of the common SAQ published by Global Compact Network Japan, and the Human Rights SAQ and Environmental SAQ that we have developed taking into account characteristics of the Otsuka group business activities. Based on the results, we then conduct interviews with suppliers. Seven companies were interviewed in fiscal 2021, with the interviews conducted remotely as a pandemic measure. The sharing of examples of sustainable procurement practices are opportunities to learn from successful case studies, and cooperating to address specific concerns ensures that we and our suppliers can make tangible progress toward sustainable procurement.

Initiatives of Supplier Companies to Promote Sustainable Procurement

After implementing the SAQ, we interview suppliers by telephone or through the Internet to gauge their activities. By communicating with suppliers, we are able to gain a fuller appreciation of suppliers' situations and to promote sustainable procurement more thoroughly.

Item Results 2022 initiatives
Procurement staff training New + Existing staff, 58 in total Learn about issues in the four UNGC areas based on the Global Compact Network Japan’s (GCNJ) CSR Procurement SAQ.
Sustainable procurement briefing Suppliers in Japan: 583 companies
Consented: 583 companies
Provided on-demand e-learning training on the Otsuka Group Procurement Policy, Otsuka Group Sustainable Procurement Guidelines, and Otsuka Group Environmental Vision 2050, as well as on the Guidelines on Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains, etc. Obtained consent from supplier companies that understood the above content and agreed to cooperatively promote sustainable procurement.
Sustainable procurement SAQ Suppliers worldwide: 597 companies
(in Japan: 577, overseas: 20)
In addition to GCNJ’s CSR Procurement SAQ, a Human Rights SAQ and an Environmental SAQ were independently developed based on the Otsuka group’s business activities. In addition, a review of the survey results and risk identification were also conducted.
Confirmation of activities Telephone interviews: 112 companies
Web interviews: 13 companies
Telephone interviews were conducted with 112 suppliers to understand their actual activities. Web interviews were also conducted with 13 companies for deeper dialogue. We were able to confirm activities and understand suppliers' status more deeply.

Further Promoting Sustainable Procurement

From 2023 onward, we intend to accelerate this project through a comprehensive overhaul of our strategy including reassessing evaluation tools and criteria, improving supplier engagement, the global expansion of briefings and assessments, and improved in-house education.

Promoting Sustainable Procurement across the Group

Yuki Kato
Supply Chain Services
Supply Chain Management
Taiho Pharmaceutical

The subcommittee of the Sustainable Procurement Project is promoting procurement activities that take into consideration the four areas of UNGC together with our partners in the procurement side of the supply chain. To maintain stable procurement of raw materials and stably supply products to be able to continue contributing to people’s health into the future, we always consider what we should do as a procurement department and try to make efforts to achieve benefits for us, our customers, and society, through close discussions with our partners to solve problems. We are very grateful to our suppliers for their understanding and cooperation in our sustainable procurement activities and for helping us to build good relationships with them.

Robust Supply Chain Network for the Stable Supply of Prescription Drugs

Otsuka Pharmaceutical established the Global Supply Chain Committee (GSCC) in 2017 to make decisions on important production and supply-related issues for anticancer drugs, orphan drugs, tuberculosis drugs and others to ensure a stable supply of pharmaceuticals in the global market. Otsuka Pharmaceutical and our overseas subsidiaries are cooperating to strengthen the supply chain. This includes the addition of manufacturing bases in 2022 to bolster the supply chain in the global market for core products.

Joint Business Partner Audits by Pharmaceutical Companies

In the Otsuka group, four pharmaceutical companies conduct joint business partner audits for shared suppliers of raw materials. This unique initiative, launched in 2016, is operated with shared systems, such as common auditor training and an auditor certification program.

Yasumasa Omote
Director of Quality Assurance Division
Otsuka Pharmaceutical

Joint Business Partner Audits

Through joint efforts by the Otsuka group’s pharmaceutical-related companies, we standardized business partner audits and improved the skills of our auditors. This helps us respond to misconduct in the area of quality, which leads to more trusting relationships with raw material suppliers.