Medium-Term Management Plan


Presentation Materials

  • Otsuka Announces the Fourth Medium-Term Management Plan(in preparation)
  • Materials
  • Transcript(in preparation)
  • Q&A(in preparation)

The 4th Medium-Term Management Plan (2024–2028)

Promotion of new business expansion and investment to generate growth for the next generation
-five years of creation and growth-

The 4th Medium-Term Management has been positioned as a five-year period to promote the expansion of new businesses and invest in next generation growth. Otsuka focuses on these three social issues such as global environment, women’s health and a society with declining birthrates and aging population based on the concept of total health care from prevention and health promotion, treatment and diagnosis. We also implement "financial strategy to support sustainable growth" and strive to achieve to improve our corporate value over the long term with a view sustainable growth through management practices that are conscious of cost of capital.