In keeping with our corporate philosophy, “Otsuka-people creating new products for better health worldwide,” and the Otsuka values of Ryukan-godo (by sweat we recognize the way), Jissho (actualization), and Sozosei (creativity), we strive every day to do what only Otsuka can do. In this way, the Otsuka group contributes to the lives of people worldwide through innovative and creative products and services including pharmaceuticals, functional beverages and functional foods.
PhilosophyThe philosophy that guides the Otsuka group
Message from
the PresidentA message from President and Representative Director & CEO Makoto Inoue
Corporate Profile
Basic information about Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.
At a Glance
An overview of the Otsuka group through numbers and graphs
The Otsuka Group's
HistoryThe history of the Otsuka group's businesses from its founding in 1921 to the present
Otsuka Holdings is currently seeking talented people with prior work experience
Otsuka Group Global Code of Business Ethics
We established the Otsuka Group Global Code of Business Ethics as a set of principles to follow in our business activities
The Otsuka group's policies, statements, and other commitments
Main Operating Companies
A summary of the seven main operating companies at the core of the Otsuka group
Group Companies
The names and businesses of Otsuka group companies operating in Japan and globally