Basic Policy
Throughout history, innovation has always been generated by people. At the Otsuka group, we strive to attract talented personnel, develop their individual abilities on an ongoing basis, and enable them to fulfill their potential. This enables us to continuously generate innovation. In addition, we intend to continually drive innovation by actively promoting communication and engagement both inside and outside the group and by building networks that transcend job category and field that are not bound by a stereotype.
As we expand our business around the world, it is essential to have personnel who have a deep understanding of our corporate culture and philosophy and who can execute our strategies on the global stage. We are required to respond to a variety of changes, including the new changes in society triggered by the spread of COVID-19 and the escalation of geopolitical risks. Against this backdrop, the Otsuka group is striving to develop human resources in which each and every employee can try new things without fear of failure and enhance their diverse individual capabilities.

Developing human resources who generate innovation
Developing managerial human resources and global leaders
It is indispensable that the Otsuka group, which conducts business in countries throughout the world, possesses human resources who have a deep understanding of our corporate culture and philosophy and can execute our strategy on the global stage. To respond to a variety of changes, including new changes in society and the escalation of geopolitical risks, we are working to train managerial human resources by improving their diverse individual capabilities and having employees take on challenges without fear of failure. At Otsuka Holdings, we have introduced, under the leadership of the executives, a program for employees throughout the Otsuka group, including domestic and overseas group companies, to learn what it takes to be and the necessary business skills for managers based on the Otsuka’s unique business view. We provide various types of opportunities for employees to learn about global management, and these include a training camp headed by the president, custom programs offered in partnership with the French global education institution INSEAD Business School, and study at any of 18 overseas business schools in 6 countries, primarily ones in the U.S. and Europe. In addition to actively conducting unique programs at business companies, we are working to train next-generation managerial human resources and global leaders throughout the group from numerous perspectives appropriate for the type of business.

Global human resource training
In order to respond to the global business environment and further increase the competitiveness of the whole group, the Otsuka group focuses on training not only human resources who can make the most of their leadership and teamwork skills in an intercultural environment but also human resources who understand DE&I, have a desire for self-growth, and can embody the group philosophy and culture. Otsuka Holdings provides both Japanese and overseas group employees with access to the Harvard Manage Mentor®, a learning platform offered by U.S.-based Harvard Business Publishing that we have branded the Otsuka Global e-Learning Platform. In addition to self-study, this program, which serves as a human resource exchanges within the Otsuka group, leverages webinars and various initiatives to promote the formation of networks with other participants within the group. Since the program was first offered in 2020, a total of 5,700 employees from 75 group companies in 29 countries and regions have taken part in the program.

At Otsuka Pharmaceutical, we create opportunities for young employees who want to participate in global business to communicate with employees who actively participate in global operations, in order to deepen their understanding of not only other cultures but also operations. In addition, for employees expected to be assigned overseas, there is year-long training before an overseas assignment so that participants can adapt to the different cultural environment they will work in during their assignment and maximize business performance. Through this training, participants not only acquire knowledge of such topics as finance, legal affairs, and compliance necessary for the assignment but also deepen their problem-solving skills and understanding of interpersonal skills through assessment analysis and acquire the mindset of a representative of the company.
Developing digital human resources

The spread of digitalization not only encourages reforms in work styles and business models but also makes flexible responses possible. Therefore, at the Otsuka group, we focus on training digital human resources in order to link the promotion of digitalization to the maximization of individual work styles and values, greater competitiveness, and the creation of innovation. At Otsuka Holdings, we offer learning tools and provide training to strengthen specialization appropriate for each skill level, which includes holding seminars on digital skills and design thinking for all group employees. We do this not only so that all employees, including managers, can acquire knowhow by sharing cases of success within the group and reproduce those successes but also to improve operations and create new innovation through a cooperative system.

Initiatives to secure and retain R&D human resources
The Otsuka group stresses securing and retaining R&D personnel in order to create innovation and reinforce our competitiveness. The Drug Discovery Division actively recruits not only doctorate degree holders who possess specialized knowledge in key fields and vision but also Japanese and overseas researchers from academia with an eye toward solving problems from new perspectives and continually generating innovation. Furthermore, we strive to help employees acquire a wide breadth of knowledge, strengthen their specialization, and develop a multifaceted perspective through exchanges between research labs both in Japan and overseas and personnel rotations to other divisions. The New Drug Development Division provides its own open language training and next-generation leader training for selected candidates and stresses human resource training to promote leadership in global development, which includes flexibly responding to the changing clinical development environment.
Example of Each Company’s Training Systems
- Otsuka Pharmaceutical’s training for new employees (Japanese only)
- Taiho Pharmaceutical’s training for new employees (Japanese only)
Upholding Our Corporate Culture
Further Embedding Corporate Culture and Philosophy - Human Resource Development through 100th Anniversary Initiatives

In September 2021, the Otsuka group celebrated its 100th anniversary. In line with this, the year beginning September 2021 was designated as the 100th Anniversary Year, and the entire group engaged in a variety of initiatives as an opportunity to learn from its history and create its future.
As part of this effort, Otsuka opened a 100th anniversary facility (employee training facility) in Tokushima, the birthplace of the Otsuka group. The facility consists of an exhibition building for experiencing Otsuka's culture and a training building for creating the future, and will be used as a place to develop the human resources who will lead Otsuka in the future. In addition, program called Go for 2050/DISCOVER NEW HEALTH was held for global Otsuka group employees, inviting them to submit their ideas for Otsuka's next 100 years, and many participated.
In August, the final month of the 100th Anniversary Year, the teams that submitted unique Otsuka concepts that passed the final selection process gave presentations at the 100th anniversary facility, and these were broadcast live to Otsuka group employees around the world. The 100th anniversary initiatives provided an opportunity for each and every employee to look to the future and seriously consider and act on new health care, and group employees around the world were united in taking a new step forward.
Human Resource Development Institute Encourages People to Turn Ideas on Their Head
“Our mission is the development of human resources who can break the mold.”
In March 1988, the Otsuka group established the Human Resource Development Institute, an employee training center in Tokushima City, the birthplace of the Otsuka group of companies. The institute's mission is to foster the development of creative human resources who can break the mold of conventional thinking and contribute to Otsuka's ongoing success as a “big venture” company. The institute has three monuments that embody the Otsuka values of actualization and creativity, including the Giant Tomato PlantTree, which symbolizes the theme of the institute: “turning ideas on their head.” New employees are trained in these ways every year at the institute.

Support of Career Independence
Open Recruitment System / Self-assessment System
The Otsuka group has an open recruiting system for domestic and overseas group employees, in which requirements for posts and jobs that group companies need to fill are made public to employees and required human resources are selected from applicants, and this system was introduced to increase employee skills and motivation and enliven human resource exchanges between group companies. In addition to providing a selfreporting system for employees to report to the HR Department their current work conditions, opinions and proposals for workplaces, and desired career plan, we conduct an annual survey in order to further develop the skills of employees, make appropriate assignments, and improve the workplace environment. In 2024, Otsuka Holdings was selected as a constituent of the iSTOXX MUTB Japan Platinum Career 150 Index, comprised of Japanese companies that actively and continuously engage in initiatives to create “platinum careers” for their employees. A platinum career refers to a type of career in which people polish and build up their skills through self-directed learning and experiences, regardless of age, and the group’s efforts were recognized in that matter.
HR Interviews and Communication between Supervisors and Staff
At Otsuka Pharmaceutical, the Human Resources Department holds individual interviews with every employee, and follows up on the issues they raise. Interviews are conducted with more than 1,500 employees every year.

At Taiho Pharmaceutical, more than 10 employees in the Human Resources Department have obtained qualifications such as career consultant*, and the company actively supports career development that accommodates the aims of every employee. The career counseling office gives employees advice from qualified internal staff. Building on this foundation, since 2021 the company has improved this initiative by introducing a handbook on career counseling for managers. This allows supervisors and employees to openly discuss their careers. To help shape these initiatives, the company has developed and widely distributed a career design sheet as a tool for employees to think more deeply about their careers.
- *In April 2016, “career consultant” was defined in Japan's Human Resources Development Promotion Act and became a national qualification. Career consultants are professionals who provide consultation and advice on job selection and skill development to students, job seekers, people currently working, and others.
Learning Support Using External Organizations
At Otsuka group companies, we have introduced support for self-study using e-learning run by external organizations, in this way providing opportunities for employees to achieve personal growth and self-fulfillment.

Otsuka Chemical assists employees in improving their skills and knowledge under our qualification acquisition support system, which provides examination fees and incentives for getting qualifications in a variety of fields. Otsuka Warehouse also has a system in place for employees who raise their hands and wish to take on a challenge to attend business school, based on the belief that good input produces good output.
Employee Evaluation and Feedback Process
At group companies, goals based on organization’s targets are set for individual employees, and superiors provide feedback twice a year. Holding meetings with superiors when setting goals and running through the evaluation and feedback cycle for employee self-evaluation supports human resource development. Beginning in 2020, Otsuka group companies have been introducing a system to centrally manage personal information, including employee goals and evaluations, training, and the selection, promotion, and development of outstanding employees. As of April 2024, more than 20,000 Otsuka group employees are using the system to maximize human resource development and organizational capabilities.