Basic Policy
At the Otsuka group, we know that the contributions of a diverse array of people is conducive to innovation and globalization, and to the development of innovative products. That is why we embrace and promote diversity. As a group of companies driven to innovate, we are committed to ensuring our workplaces are welcoming to all people.
Promotion System
Since 2008, the Diversity and Inclusion Promotion Team at each group company has led efforts for greater diversity and inclusion through individual company and coordinated group initiatives. These initiatives include planning group-wide systems, conducting seminars, and holding regular meetings to share each company’s effective examples of diversity and inclusion.
Initiatives to Promote Diversity
Implement group-wide training and seminars on women's empowerment Ikuboss Corporate Alliance
We hold regular group-wide diversity seminars. A total of 2,770 people attended the seven seminars held from fiscal 2019 through fiscal 2021. We know that it is not enough for only employees to be aware of the issues—their bosses must broaden their awareness too. That is why we* established the Ikuboss (managers supportive of work-life balance) declaration. In fiscal 2022, we held Ikuboss seminars and other events at every group company.
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2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
- *Nine group companies: Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory, Taiho Pharmaceutical, Otsuka Warehouse, Otsuka Chemical, Otsuka Foods, Otsuka Medical Devices, Otsuka Techno, and Otsuka Electronics
Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace
Women's Empowerment Principles signed (WEPs)

The Otsuka Group Global Code of Business Ethics states our commitment is to promoting diversity. Further, in 2017 the group became a signatory to the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs)1 , a set of corporate principles jointly developed by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and UN Women2 that offers guidance on how to empower women in the workplace.
- 1Women’s Empowerment Principles
- 2United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
Development of Female Leaders and Managers
Taiho Pharmaceutical believes that having women in management roles leads to more diverse views being reflected in management decisions. For this reason, the company began new initiatives in 2020 for female managers. Based on the results of an independent assessment, women reexamine their skills, abilities, and personality traits to create their own career plans, and are linking those plans to professional development through their work. Also, based on the results of independent assessments, the Company began individual training for women in management who want to move up to top-level positions. In 2021, to strengthen the development of female managers, the company started new initiatives that include management training, dialogues with management, and mentoring. We plan to further develop women for global management positions and nurture a diverse pool of candidates.
Increase in Motivation
To further empower female employees, Otsuka Pharmaceutical started the Otsuka Women’s Workshop as a forum for women to share information about marriage and childcare, in this way contributing to continued career development following marriage, childbirth, and childcare. In addition, the company pursues a comfortable work environment through such activities as WING, a voluntary cross-organizational study group that identifies issues and discusses solutions to improve the company. In 2022, the ninth year of the program, 35 employees participated in WING. To enable employees to raise children with peace of mind, the members of WING have created a Maternity and Parental Leave Planning Sheet that all employees can use to promote further communication with their supervisors, and they are rolling out the content of the discussions within the company. Moreover, to promote active communication within the company, we hold Lunches on Diversity (LODs), allowing participation while having lunch. About 3,700 people have taken part. In 2022, the president of our US subsidiary delivered a lecture on the concept of D&I, recognizing diversity, and initiatives to maximize individual abilities and to achieve results. In addition, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory has been providing training on career design since 2017 to foster individual growth and strengthen our organization. In 2022, working groups were established with representatives from each department to identify issues within their respective departments and to hold in discussions on how the company, as a whole, could address these challenges. We also organized panel discussions led by female managers to envision their careers, among other initiatives that help promote diversity.

These initiatives have also led to an increase in the number of male employees taking parental leave.
- About the female manager ratio/Percentage of Employees Taking Parental Leave, please refer Key Sustainability Data and Integrated Report 2022, pp.26-27

Sabrina Mays Diagne
Senior Director and Otsuka Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer
From the Field for Total Healthcare
Otsuka America Pharmaceutical Inc. and Otsuka Pharmaceutical D&C Inc.
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) Office was created in 2021 and we have short-term and long-term goals based on the nature and cycle of our business operations. The DE&I strategy has three pillars: workforce, workplace, and marketplace. For example, HR embedded DE&I best practices into its recruitment and hiring processes such as broadening the network of colleges/universities at which new employees are recruited. It is important to continue to pursue diversity, equity, and inclusion at Otsuka because employees are our most important asset. A good employee experience leads to the delivery of a great patient experience and positions the company to fully deliver on its mission (creating new products for better health worldwide) and its patient promise: people serving people.
Support of Diverse Work Styles
Introduction of the Work Interval System and the Family Smile Support System
In Japan, we have introduced the Family Smile Support System*, which encourages employees to work from home before/after parental leave, or when taking on childcare/child-rearing and nursing care obligations. This system has led to improvements in work efficiency, productivity, and work-life balance. We have also introduced the Work Interval System, which mandates minimum rest periods for shift workers.
- *Revised telework system for increased flexibility
Opened daycare centers at our business premises

We have opened daycare centers at three of our business premises (in Tokushima, Osaka, and Tsukuba) to help employees balance childcare and work. Since its establishment in Tokushima in 2011, it is now one of the few large-scale nurseries in Japan in terms of on-site childcare facilities.
Creating a Workplace Where Employees Can Receive Treatment While Continuing to Work
As a company developing and supplying anticancer agents, Taiho Pharmaceutical has a team to realize “Workplace support for employees with cancer.” This team, mainly composed of the Human Resources Department and occupational nursing staff, aims to create a workplace where employees with cancer or other diseases can receive treatment while continuing to work. Going further, in 2019 the company launched C-Guide Portal, a portal site about cancer for employees. The site provides information on systems and consultation desks that employees and their families can use if someone develops cancer or another disease, and highlights the importance of cancer prevention and screening. It also has a page where users share experiences. Here, employees share information about the reality of treatment, learned through family members' or their own experiences fighting cancer. This helps employees deepen their understanding of and recognize issues in cancer treatment. Meanwhile, it enhances their appreciation of the role they play as employees of Taiho Pharmaceutical, an anticancer drug manufacturer.
While lectures and briefings are provided to other companies, including those in other industries, lectures are held not only at the company but also throughout the Otsuka group to continue spreading awareness throughout society.

Won an Award of Excellence under the Tokyo Work Circle Project in 2016 (organized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government), which recognizes companies as having outstanding initiatives that help cancer patients balance treatment and work.
Won a gold prize for four consecutive years (2019–2022) at the Cancer Ally Awards organized by Gan Ally Club, a private-sector project addressing the issue of cancer and employment
- *For details, please refer to the following URL.
Human Resources Support for Balancing Work and Medical Treatment (Taiho Pharmaceutical WEB site, Japanese)
- About the trends of the numbers of employees taking parental leave, please refer Key Sustainability Data and Integrated Report 2022, pp.26-27
Promoting the Active Participation of the LGBTQ community, People with Disabilities, and Senior Citizens
Initiatives for the LGBTQ Community
LGBTQ-related training is provided throughout the group, including for human resource departments and other sections, in order to promote understanding. Also, from 2020, Taiho Pharmaceutical has conducted training for the human resources (HR) department, the management tier, as well as other divisions and departments to introduce basic understanding on this topic and to convey the current thinking in Japanese society, with examples of initiatives by other companies. The training also covers specific examples of what can be done today. Approximately 2,690 employees have taken this course to date. Otsuka Pharmaceutical, Otsuka Chemical, and Otsuka Foods are also conducting LGBTQ training and e-learning for all employees, while Otsuka Warehouse is striving to create a more comfortable work environment, for example by removing the terms male and female from work regulations.
Initiatives for the Employment of People with Disabilities

Otsuka Pharmaceutical established Heartful Kawauchi in Tokushima City in 2011 as a special purpose subsidiary. This subsidiary helps people with disabilities to fully realize their potential.
- About the ration of employees with disabilities Please refer Key Sustainability Data
Encouraging Active Roles for Senior Employees

At Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory and Taiho Pharmaceutical, older employees who have been recently recruited are an important force for the company, and a system has been established to recognize those who have contributed to corporate earnings and the development of human resources.
Diversity & Inclusion-related Systems
Please refer to the website of each company.
External Recognition
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Platinum Kurumin and Kurumin Certification system based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children. Platinum Kurumin is a certification for Kurumin-certified companies that have carried out higher-level initiatives. (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) |
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Eruboshi Certification system based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace. Companies are recognized for excellent efforts to empower women in the workplace. (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) |
Eruboshi (Level 3): Otsuka Chemical (from 2019), Otsuka Pharmaceutical (from 2023) |
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MONISU Certification Certification system recognizing small- and medium-sized enterprises that excel in their efforts to provide employment to people with disabilities. (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) |
2020 certification: Heartful Kawauchi |
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Acquired Tomonin Mark Certifies companies that strive to create a work environment that allows employees to balance work and caregiving. (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) |
Acquired by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Taiho Pharmaceutical Otsuka Warehouse |
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Certified as a Great Place to Work® Certifies companies that create an outstanding employee experience according to Great Place to Work,®, a global leader in workplace culture and employee awareness surveys |
Selected in 2023 (for 4th year in a row): Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. (OAPI) and Otsuka Pharmaceutical Development & Commercialization, Inc. (OPDC) Seventh place in the Fortune Best Workplaces in BioPharma |