Initiatives for Yet-to-Be-Imagined Needs
The term “nutraceuticals” was created by combining the words “nutrition” and “pharmaceuticals.” It was coined in 1989 in the U.S. by Dr. Stephen L. DeFelice and refers to foods and beverages with benefits that have a scientific basis, and which contribute to the maintenance of everyday health. Our range of nutritional products fit this definition well, which led us to adopt the term to describe our science-based foods and beverages that help maintain and promote day-to-day health. To be healthy is a universal desire of people worldwide. While advances in medical technology and improvements in public health have extended life expectancy globally, new health issues such as population aging and lifestyle diseases have also arisen. The Otsuka group’s Nutraceutical business segment is centered on functional beverages and foods that support maintaining and improving day-to-day health. Using the expertise homed in our Pharmaceutical business segment, the products and services we develop enable people worldwide to live healthier, more active lives. Further, we raise health awareness as part of our initiatives to increase access to nutrition.
Health Maintenance and Improvement Initiatives in Coordination with All 47 Prefectures of Japan
Amid trends including medical cost inflation and the aging of Japan’s population, the Otsuka group is promoting community-based health maintenance and improvement initiatives, as well as disaster prevention and relief activities. Otsuka Pharmaceutical has concluded health-related partnership agreements with all 47 prefectures of Japan. We are cooperating with local governments to find solutions to the health issues of people living in each region, which includes applying our knowledge and expertise on topics such as dietary education, prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, prevention of heat disorders, sports promotion, women’s health and disaster countermeasures.
Raising Awareness of Proper Hydration

Since the launch of POCARI SWEAT, Otsuka Pharmaceutical has been promoting the importance of hydration in various contexts. Spurred by the establishment of the Japan Amateur Sports Association (now Japan Sport Association (JSPO)) Study Group for Prevention of Heat Disorders in Sports Activities in 1991, we began cooperating in efforts to prevent heat disorders through awareness activities in 1992. Since then, we have provided information on such themes as children’s sports activities, occupational safety and hygiene, and hydration for the elderly. Otsuka Pharmaceutical’s website includes an information section titled Protect Yourself From Heat Disorders and a section presenting content based on JSPO’s A Guidebook for the Prevention of Heat Disorder During Sports Activities (First Edition). Another initiative is the Heat Disorders Prevention website, which was created in collaboration with weather forecasters. Through these and other activities, we are further raising awareness of the topic.
Building Awareness of Women’s Health
Otsuka Pharmaceutical strives to support women in leading active, healthy lives, and knows the importance of building understanding of the changing health needs of women throughout life, and of arming individuals with the knowledge they need to make choices that are right for them. We provide a variety of information in this regard. Since 2015, we have held Women’s Health Seminars throughout Japan. Furthermore, we launched the Otsuka Advanced Training for Healthy Aging Supporters (OATHAS) program to assist pharmacies and pharmacists in supporting the health of their local communities. This program is both a source of essential knowledge and an opportunity for hands-on practical experience. Other measures include webpages that offer insights into women’s health, including the Women’s Health Promotion Project, KONENKI. Lab (with content on menopausal health issues), and PMS*1 LABORATORY, through which we offer day-to-day health support for women of all ages.
- *1PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
Recognized for Our Commitment to Women’s Health

In February 2023, at the 8th ACAP Consumer-oriented Activity Awards, organized by the Association of Consumer Affairs Professionals (ACAP) Conference, Otsuka Pharmaceutical received the Consumer-oriented Activity Award in recognition of its initiatives to improve literacy in women’s health.
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Women’s Health Promotion Project Team Members

With the mission of fostering awareness of women’s health in everyday life, we are providing information and conducting educational programs that use the knowledge we have gained through research and development into such products as Equelle and tocoelle. These actions help prevent women from expressing regrets about not finding out earlier about certain aspects of their health.
A woman’s mind and body are affected by female hormones, which come in large waves from month to month, and even throughout her life. However, female hormones are important partners in supporting health and beauty. That is why I want you to know about the function of female hormones. Research shows that women who have a good understanding of female hormones are more likely to take actions such as paying attention to their diet, exercise, sleep, and taking supplements or medicines. We are convinced that improving health literacy will increase the number of women who cope without holding back or giving up, and we are helping women lead vibrant lives and perform by conducting on-site seminars and providing a variety of material.
Going from an era of being at the mercy of female hormones to an era of controlling them, the Women’s Health Promotion Project will work with each individual to help them live a daily life in which they can look forward to their own life in their own way, beautifully and comfortably.
Nutritional Support and Helping Families Fill Nutrition Gaps

Pharmavite, which is based in the U.S. and handles the development and sales of Nature Made products, has partnered with the non-profit organization Feed the Children to provide products and support for health over three years. Through this partnership, the company has donated approximately 15 million children’s chewable multivitamins. Each family received a two-year supply of children’s vitamins, reaching 8,800 families in total. In addition, Nature Made registered dietitians provided on-site nutritional education to families on how to compensate for nutritional deficiencies. Starting in 2021, we began making donations and providing products to support educators and students who faced difficult circumstances due to the impact of COVID-19, including schools closing and reopening, to ensure a healthy learning environment. We have made $4 million in donations and provided products equivalent to $7 million. In 2022, a fundraising campaign on social media also raised $50,000.
Learning the SDGs through Plant-Based Foods

Otsuka Foods has released plant-based soy meat products that are free of ingredients that come from animals. Plant-based foods have been gaining attention as sustainable products with less environmental impact than animal products. In addition, we have co-produced teaching materials titled Learning the SDGs through Plant-Based Foods with Gakken Plus Co., Ltd. to support education on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for elementary school children, who will be the leaders of the next generation.
Initiatives for raising awareness of health
Otsuka Health Comic Library

We began publishing the Otsuka Health Comic Library in 1989 to promote sound growth and development of health habits among children of the next generation. Produced with editorial supervision from the Japan Medical Association and the Japan Society of School Health, and endorsed by the Japan Pediatric Society, the library seeks to convey basic health knowledge to children, covering topics such as the makeup of the human body and nutrition, in a broad, easy-to-understand manner through the medium of comics. Every year we choose a different theme and publish a new volume. The comics are donated* to elementary schools, special needs schools, Japanese schools overseas, and public libraries.
Each year's theme is decided based on requests from schools and the opinions of organizations involved in school health. With the cooperation of experts in various fields, we are finding ways to deliver factual, accurate health information to children in a fun way. We are also working to make the comics a more useful part of school health education. Since 2015, together with the Japan Society of School Health, we cosponsored lectures by health experts and usage demonstrations of the library at schools. We are continuing to evolve 30 years after the first volume, and deepening our ability to communicate the value of health.
* Approx. 23,000 books each year