Approach and Policy
In line with global trends, for us to be able to create a more sustainable society and achieve
sustainable corporate growth, we must shift to a circular economy-type business model whereby
we can achieve growth without having a serious impact on the environment. Otsuka group
recognize that using the fossil resources-derived materials and waste discharge to the natural
environment as environmental impacts that should be reduced to zero. We are committed to
eliminating fossil resources-derived materials and achieve zero waste*1 as our vision. We will also
continue to enhance resource efficiency throughout our entire value chain and build a harmonious
and sustainable relationship with all resources, including biological resources.
- *1Approach to reduce waste discharge (simple incineration and landfill disposal) to the natural environment to zero and utilize all resources effectively
Our Goals

- *1Figures for waste emissions in 2019 were revised through a review of data

> Please refer to the Environmental Report (Circular Economy)