In keeping with the corporate philosophy “Otsuka-people creating new products for better health worldwide” and the Otsuka values of Ryukan-godo (by sweat we recognize the way), Jissho (actualization) and Sozosei (creativity), we strive to do what only Otsuka can do. The Otsuka group supports the lives of people worldwide through a wide range of innovative and creative products including pharmaceuticals, functional beverages, and functional foods. We are dedicated to cultivating a dynamic corporate culture and workplaces that reflect our vision as a healthcare company, to finding ways to live in harmony with local communities and the natural environment, and to contributing to richer and healthier lives.
Three Monuments Embodying Our Philosophy:
the Giant Tomato Tree, the Bent Giant Cedar and the Floating Stones
“Develop creative human resources who can break the mold.”
In March 1988, the Otsuka group established the Human Resource Development Institute, an employee training center in Tokushima City, the birthplace of the Otsuka.
The institute houses three monuments that embody the Otsuka value of creativity, which is at the heart of our corporate culture. These monuments challenge our conventional thinking, conveying the message that Otsuka will continue to be a richly creative force.
Giant Tomato Tree

This giant tree covers the entire ceiling of the hall and can produce around 10,000 tomatoes each year. This is possible because its fruit-bearing potential has been maximized through the use of hydroponics, meaning the root system no longer requires soil. The giant tomato tree is a symbol of employing unconventional new ideas to draw out potential.
Bent Giant Cedar

This piece features the trunk of a giant cedar that is deeply bent instead of being typically straight, with the trunk of a second cedar lying across it, resting on a single point. Its delicately balanced composition—which at first glance appears precarious—was strong enough to withstand high-intensity tremors during the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995. This piece speaks to the idea that looking beyond first appearances may reveal something completely different.
Floating Stones

This water garden features large stones that appear to miraculously float on a wide expanse of water, including some that seem to droop. The garden was created to capture and enrich the spirit of onlookers, and to free the mind for contemplation. This piece teaches the importance of turning ideas on their head and thinking beyond the conventional.